Monday, February 23, 2015


     We are failing this generation of children. They set at the t.v. in a coma, drooling on themselves, to lazy to go to the restroom. We cater to their every needs by cleaning their rooms, waiting on them hand and foot, giving them anything they ask for. Yet we don't make them work for it. We are so scared by the perception of the outsider, that we show our love with material items. The children turn into adults, and they have no clue what true work ethic is. They have had everything handed to them their whole lives, so why would they. They will never make it in the workforce, and begin to draw benefits from the government that they truly believe they are entitled too.

     Back in the 50's families where fine by showing their love with emotions, strong discipline, and hard work. If you wanted a baseball glove then you did chores around the house. When you were old enough, you got a job to pay for your stuff. Mommy and Daddy did not shower you with new things that were not a necessity to survive, such as, food, cloths, water, and a home. You had to earn them. I was also raised this way, even though it was 30 years after the 50's, and I appreciate my father setting me up for success. I was told either you play sports in high school or you get a job. I was an athlete, so I played sports. Even though my father would give me money on the weekends to have fun, I would have to earn it with household chores. He was a single parent, so it was up to all of us to provide, even if that did not mean bringing home the bacon. This gave me a great work ethic, but not all children are this blessed.

      So we complain about the young kid our company just hired. We say he is lazy, useless, and does not know his head from his rear end. Whose fault is it truly though? Although he is not our child, could we not begin to teach him the meaning of a hard work ethic. It is a contagious disease that we have to stop dead in its tracks. Intervention from you could bring this country back to the golden years. Teach your children how to work hard, by example and instruction. That new kid at your job, take him under your wings and teach him by example and instruction. For we have no one to blame for this epidemic but ourselves.  

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