Monday, February 23, 2015


   Their was a question asked by my English professor wanting to know what a hero was to me. I thought about this a lot, and how perception of a true hero has been twisted. Young people today see a person living a luxurious lifestyle, with all the money, clothes, new cars, and fame in the world. They see these people as hero's because of the material items they have, and the reputation they maintain. These individuals are normal actors and athletes. We - as society - are to blame for these poor young people's misperception. We have associated material items with being a good person. For example, if you see a homeless person on the side of the road what is the first thing you think? Probably he/she is a drunk, or they don't work hard enough, maybe the are drug addicts. Since they are dirty we can't see them as a good person. Dirt - in our minds - equals bad. In all reality though they may be the most caring individual or hardest working that have not been given a chance.

     A true hero to me is someone that sacrifices their way of life so another's may flourish. The individual will not be on t.v., they make barely minimum wage, and they could be dirty. A true hero put others before himself. They will do whatever it take for another individual, even if society does not understand. For example the Armed Forces. Some Americans call us baby killers - I have been called this more than once - that our fighting our governments war for financial gain. They say it has nothing to do with them, and call use cowards for not "STANDING UP TO THE MAN." The men and women of the Armed Forces will keep their mouths shut, take the harsh word, but then go back to the hellish environment they call war again, without thinking twice. What society does not understand is if we don't fight these extremists overseas we will be fighting them at home. Then society will be screaming for these brave men and women to protect them. These are hero's. Another example, the only time you see something about law enforcement on t.v. is when they have done something wrong. Their is always something in the headlines "Police Officer beats elderly man" or " Police pepper spray college student." So you have society who curses law enforcement, raging  with uncalled violence towards them in retaliation. Though when their house is being broken into, or their child  is missing who are the first people they ask for. "Call the Police"! The police officers will come and treat them unbiased. They will treat everyone with the up most respect, even though you do not do this for them. These are men and women who put others feels and lives before their own. They are hero's. Fire fighters, EMT's, Armed Forces, Police Officers -and more I can't list- these are true hero's. They will sacrifice themselves for another persons well being.

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