Sunday, February 15, 2015

The simplest things in life

       This Valentines Day most couples will be running around, stressing over presents, dinner, clothing and surprises. I am not a big advocate of February 14 solely for that one reason, and it being just another date on the calendar. Must we wait to give our significant others the attention they deserve on a special date? Shouldn't we actually do this every day, letting them know they matter to us? I understand most people will state," but its romantic, and a way to spice things up." In my eyes there is nothing more romantic than what my wife and I did yesterday for February 14.

       The day began with me waking up, getting my coffee, and going outside to smoke. While I am doing this my wife takes a shower and starts to get ready for work. As I am wrestling with the kids, we say our good byes and she leaves for work. Once she gets back she hands me a box, its one of my favorite things, chocolate covered strawberries. Now, don't start thinking I am inconsiderate, I sent her flowers to work the day prior. This is because, once again, I hate how commercialized February 14 is. We both get ready and head to are favorite take out restaurant, Steak Out. We order ahead, while the babies are screaming in the background, and they say it will be 30 minutes until are order is ready.  That is fine, we needed to go get her a refill on fitness supplements. We head to Supplement Superstore, pick up her regime: vitamins, pre-workout, protein, and metabolism enhancers. It takes roughly 15 minutes to accomplish this, so we head back across town to pick up our dinner. 

       Once we get home, feed everyone, and begin to settle down for the night, I start to do homework as I hear the crisp sound of a wine bottle being opened. The babies are finally asleep, me and my wife are next to each other on the couch, she watches friends as I am on my computer. All we need to be happy is contact with each other. No special dinner dates, fancy outfits, or expensive flowers. We do this every other day of the year for each other. Now I know this wont work for everyone, but for us this is perfect and it is how we keep the romance alive. Its the simplest things in life that are romantic to us.

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