Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What not to say to a Veteran

     To start my journal/blog entries for this assignment I would like to bring something to everyone's attention that I hold near to my heart. Things you should not ask or say to military veteran's, but not only them, I will also include police, fire fighters, and emergency medical technicians. If you want to get to know our lives then join one of the above mentioned professions. It takes a lot of courage, self sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears to do what we have done. So please, once again, don't ask the following things.
     Have you ever been over there? Guys, more than likely if they were in the military anytime after that horrible day on September 11th 2001 then they have been to the middle east. If not in Iraq or Afghanistan then in surrounding countries in support of the war. Lets say for some reason the individual you are questioning did not go over seas, guess what, I bet they feel so guilty it makes them sick to think about it. Which is extremely sad, because it is not their fault they did not get the call to go over with their brothers and sisters. So in all honesty they should not feel guilty. They are a mere one percent of this nation who have served our great country, but yet they feel they did not do their duty because they did not go to war. How do I know this you may ask, because I have had my own troops tell me this while I was still in the Marines. Yes I went over multiple times, but that does not make me anymore of a patriot then them. They should feel proud of what they accomplished for our country, and know they served it well.
     Did you ever kill somebody? Why would you even ask this, and do you think they really want to talk about it. I will let you in on a little secret, more than likely if someone wants to talk about taking someone else's life, they are probably exaggerating what they did. Now, in the odd chance they do talk about it, you should feel lucky! We only speak to a select few like this, most of the time with fellow service members, because they have been through what we have. So do not loose this trust by doing something stupid, because you will never earn it back.
     What's war like? If you want to know so bad, then get a first hand experience. Go to your local recruiters office and sign on the dotted lines. No matter what we say to you it will never bring that experience justice. You will never understand what war is like unless you go through it yourself.
     Have you ever seen a dead body? I know personally I don't like thinking about what dead bodies look like, so please don't ask it. More than likely they see them in their dreams, or even while they are awake, so why ask them to keep reliving that moment. We all struggle with our own demons, please don't push them back in their face.
     Why do you have PTSD and what is it like? I saw a fellow co worker ask this question. I almost jumped out of my skin, and proceeded to give the biggest ass chewing of my life. Why would you ask someone to relieve the worst experience in their life. PTSD is the way a human being deals with a traumatic experience or experiences, and tries to heal itself. Its not normal to be shot at, have mortars blow up next to you, shoot back at people, see people burned alive, perform CPR on a child in front of their parents, or have a little girl ask you if she is going to die. Some people's bodies handle it differently than others. If the individual says, " I have PTSD", then don't ask why. Why would you want the person, you are trying to help, to relive the most horrible moment in their life. Some people do get help from talking about it, and then some people don't. If you don't know this person, or how they will react, then don't ask them why. They will tell you if they feel comfortable enough.
     If you want to connect with someone in these careers then thank them for their service, protection, and sacrifices. Offer to buy them a beer even or take them out to dinner. Just show them appreciation for what they have done and gone through. That's the biggest way to connect with them, because they are under paid and under appreciated, but they do it because someone has too. Yes they might complain ever once and awhile, they might even get depressed because they miss their family, but whenever they get the call they will go right back out without a second thought. These men and women are a select few, and they should be damn proud of themselves, as should we.

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